Hyundai Excel, Hyundai Presto (X1) 1985–1989 Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Hyundai Excel & Presto (X1) 1985–1989. With the help of this information, you can check the geometry of the damaged body, as well as carry out restoration work on the straightening of cars. The manual can be used for Mitsubishi Precis body repair.
Selection from factory documentation and vehicle measurement database for Hyundai Excel (X1) 1985–1989: body dimensions and geometry measurement points (chassis diagrams, upper body datasheet, underbody datasheet).
Upperbody dimensions include pillar widths for inside passenger compartment, door, windshield and rear window. Choice of Edge-of-hole or center-of-hole dimensions, widths measured from centerline and individual datum lengths for underbody information, diagonal measurements, deck lid measurements for more extensive and complete collision repairs.
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Hyundai Excel, Hyundai Presto (X1) 1985–1989
Hyundai Excel, Hyundai Presto (X1) 1985–1989
Price: $15