Nissan AD Wagon & Sunny California (Y10) 1990-1999 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Nissan AD Wagon & Sunny California (Y10) 1990-1999 Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Nissan AD Wagon & Sunny California (Y10) 1990-1999 vehicles are available in the factory documentation. These dimensions are crucial for conducting a thorough body geometry check and subsequent straightening of damaged parts for the Nissan AD Wagon & Sunny California with right-hand drive, specifically designed for the Japanese market.

Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N12) 1982–1986 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N12) 1982–1986 Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N12) 1982–1986 are available. These data are used to verify the body geometry and perform the necessary straightening of damaged parts for Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N12) right-hand drive vehicles intended for the Japanese market (including the Nissan Pulsar EXA Turbo N12 model).