Mazda Scrum 1991-1998 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Mazda Scrum Van & Truck 1991-1998 Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Mazda Scrum Van (DE51V DF51V) & Mazda Scrum Truck (DC51T DD51T) 1991-1998 are used to verify the body geometry and facilitate the subsequent repair of damaged parts. These measurements are specifically applicable to the right-hand drive versions of Mazda Scrum for the Japanese market.

Nissan NV200 (M20) 2014-2020 Body Repair Manual

Nissan NV200 (M20) 2014-2020 Body Repair Manual

The factory manual contains body dimensions for the Nissan NV200 (M20) 2014-2020, including descriptions of element replacement, body dimensions, and control points for the body geometry of the Nissan NV200. This manual can also be used for restoring the bodies of the Nissan Evalia.