Subaru Legacy B4 & Legacy Touring Wagon 2009-2014 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Subaru Legacy B4 (BM9) and Legacy Touring Wagon (BR9, BRF) 2009-2014 are available. These data are used to verify the body geometry and perform straightening of damaged parts for Subaru Legacy vehicles with right-hand drive for the Japanese market.
One of the key features of the manual is its coverage of body dimensions and control points. These dimensions provide precise measurements of the vehicle's body components, allowing technicians to accurately assess any deviations from the original specifications. The control points serve as reference points for checking the alignment and geometry of the vehicle's body, ensuring that repairs are carried out with precision.
The selection includes stand measurements and control points for body geometry from the factory documentation and stand databases for Subaru Legacy B4 and Legacy Touring Wagon 2009-2014. These measurements are specific to Subaru Legacy B4 and Legacy Touring Wagon with right-hand drive.
Data sample from the archive
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Subaru Legacy B4 & Legacy Touring Wagon 2009-2014
Subaru Legacy B4 & Legacy Touring Wagon 2009-2014
Price: $40