Mitsubishi Delica 1982-1986 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Mitsubishi Delica 1982-1986 Body dimensions

Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Mitsubishi Delica (L033 L035 L036 L037 L038 L063 L068) 1982-1986 are available. These data are used to verify the body geometry and perform the necessary straightening of damaged parts for Mitsubishi Delica (Van & Wagon) right-hand drive vehicles intended for the Japanese market.

The information includes body dimensions, stand dimensions, and control points for the body geometry of Mitsubishi Delica 1982-1986 with right-hand drive. Please note that the available documentation and measurements are in Japanese.

Upperbody dimensions include pillar widths for inside passenger compartment, door, windshield and rear window. Choice of Edge-of-hole or center-of-hole dimensions, widths measured from centerline and individual datum lengths for underbody information, diagonal measurements, deck lid measurements for more extensive and complete collision repairs.

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Mitsubishi Delica 1982-1986 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

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Mitsubishi Delica (L033 L035 L036 L037 L038 L063 L068) 1982-1986

Price: $20