Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990 Body dimensions

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Body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990 are available. These data are used to verify the body geometry and perform the necessary straightening of damaged parts for Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) right-hand drive vehicles intended for the Japanese market (including the Nissan EXA N13 model).

he third-generation Nissan Langley is a compact hatchback and sedan based on the Nissan Pulsar N13 platform, but with a more premium finish and improved features. The Nissan Liberta Villa (1986–1990) is a compact sedan built on the Nissan Pulsar N13 platform, designed for the Japanese market. It was positioned as a more comfortable version of the Pulsar Sedan, similar to the Nissan Langley, but with slightly different styling and trim.

The Nissan EXA is a sports coupe based on the Nissan Pulsar N13 platform, featuring a more aggressive design and a powerful turbocharged engine. It was designed as a compact sports car aimed at a young audience. In addition to these models, the Nissan Pulsar N13 lineup also included various configurations, including hatchbacks, sedans, and performance-oriented versions, catering to different markets and customer preferences.

The information includes body dimensions, stand dimensions, and control points for the body geometry of Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990 with right-hand drive. Please note that the available documentation and measurements are in Japanese.

Upperbody dimensions include pillar widths for inside passenger compartment, door, windshield and rear window. Choice of Edge-of-hole or center-of-hole dimensions, widths measured from centerline and individual datum lengths for underbody information, diagonal measurements, deck lid measurements for more extensive and complete collision repairs.

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Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

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Nissan Pulsar & Langley & Liberta Villa (N13) 1986–1990

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