Nissan Almera Classic (B10) 2006–2012 Body Repair Manual

The Nissan Almera Classic (B10) 2006-2012 Body Repair Manual provides detailed information and instructions for repairing and maintaining the body of the Nissan Almera Classic model. In 2002, Renault Samsung Motors commenced production of the Renault Samsung SM3, a vehicle based on the N16 Pulsar platform. From April 2006 onwards, the car began to be sold in Russia under the name Almera Classic. The Almera Classic, essentially a rebadged version of the Renault Samsung SM3, offered a familiar design and platform to Russian consumers.
The body repair manual includes essential information such as body dimensions, control points, and cross-sectional images of body components. These details are crucial for accurately assessing and repairing the body geometry of the vehicle. The manual also covers recommended welding types, methods, materials, and locations for proper repair procedures.
In addition, the manual provides guidance on applying seam sealers, sound insulation, and anti-corrosion materials to ensure long-lasting protection for the repaired areas. It offers insights into cutting locations and directions for the removal and installation of body components. Interior materials, their designations, and decoding are also documented.
By following the instructions and guidelines outlined in the Nissan Almera Classic (B10) 2006-2012 Body Repair Manual, individuals involved in body repairs, whether they are professional technicians or DIY enthusiasts, can effectively restore the structural integrity and aesthetics of the vehicle.
Data sample from the archive
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Nissan Almera Classic (B10) 2006–2012
Nissan Almera Classic (B10) 2006–2012
Price: $20