Nissan Fairlady (Z34 HZ34) 2009-2018 (RH Japanese market) Body dimensions

The body dimensions for restoring the body geometry of Nissan Fairlady (Z34 HZ34) 2009-2018 vehicles are available. These dimensions are used to verify the body geometry of both the Coupe and Roadster models and facilitate the straightening of damaged parts in Nissan Fairlady vehicles with right-hand drive for the Japanese market.
The data includes a selection of body dimensions and control point specifications from bench bases and factory documentation for Nissan Fairlady (Coupe and Roadster) 2009-2018 Body dimensions in the Japanese language. These dimensions provide the necessary information regarding the body dimensions and control points for maintaining proper body alignment in Nissan Fairlady Z models with right-hand drive.
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Nissan Fairlady (Z34 HZ34) 2009-2018
Nissan Fairlady (Z34 HZ34) 2009-2018
Price: $40